Posts in Make Yourself Understood
Living a Vibrant Life Despite Your Circumstances | Interview with Valerie Ritchie

Valerie is one of the most dynamic people I have ever met. She exudes strength and presence. When she asks questions or shares her perspective, it's obvious it comes from a well of wisdom and thoughtfulness. She's the founder of the Vibrant Life Collective, an online yogic community for women of color, and I'm so thrilled to have her on the show!

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Conference Networking Tips | Q&A Coaching Session with Chad Clark

Conferences have the power to inspire and create momentum in your professional and personal life. But they can also be intimidating and overwhelming for a lot of people. In this episode of the Career Foresight podcast, I coach my friend, Chad Clark through some conference networking tips to help him get the most out of his upcoming conference.

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What Grit Looks Like for this Comedian, Writer & Artist | Interview with JJ Barrows

I frequently think: Comedians are the bravest people in the world. I mean, to get up on stage and try to be funny—the vulnerability and courage it takes to do that simply blows my mind! My fascination with comedians is just part of the reason I am so excited to introduce you to today’s guest on the Career Foresight podcast. I got to interview JJ Barrows, a comedian, writer, artist, and overall inspiring and persevering creative!

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The Power of Owning Your Personal Style | Interview with Stephanie Hicks

Stephanie Hicks is a personal style and wardrobe coach. She helps people show up as their best selves, confident and well-dressed! Stephanie works with female entrepreneurs and coaches who what their personality and brand to be better represented in how they dress. You’ll fall in love with her and gain a new perspective on why it’s worth building a great closet in this episode!

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How Do I Share My Dreams With Others Well?

Even though our dreams and ideas tend to revolve around our biggest passions, it’s typical to freeze up when it comes to talking about those dreams with other people. You know what I mean, don’t you?! "What if my idea doesn’t make sense to them?" "What if they think it's boring or cliché? What if they don’t think I’m capable of pursuing my dream to completion?" Or, even, "What if they steal my idea?" I share how to be proactive at overcoming these hurdles in today's episode!

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Just Because It's Easy to Believe, Doesn't Mean It's True

"Just because it's easy to believe, doesn't mean it's true," is a refrain I used to remind myself of constantly. When we struggle with feelings like fear of failure or doubting our own worth, they can become so strong that they seem like reality, not just emotional responses. In order to fight through these limiting beliefs, I challenged myself to remember that "just because it's easy to believe, doesn't mean it's true." Eventually, I was able to dismiss those negative thoughts quite quickly. I share that journey in today's episode!

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How to Make Better Decisions & Build the Life You Want

Decisions are at the core of every success story and every personal triumph. Isn’t it crazy then to think that most of our tools for making good decisions only include asking for advice, making pros and cons lists , or the trial and error approach? My goal is to help people make empowered decisions, and a place to start is helping them understand the strengths & weaknesses of their decision-making tendencies. Learn the 4 styles of decision making in this episode!

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How to Build Resiliency as a Woman in Male-Dominated Workplaces

Too often we chalk up our bad experiences at work to our environment. For example, a negative culture, a bad boss, monotonous work, etc. In this episode, we dive into research that shows how to build resiliency so that the stress of these factors has less impact on your life and you can thrive despite your circumstances, especially as a woman in male-dominated career fields!

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What to Do When You Encounter Male Chauvinism

Call it what you want: male chauvinism, misogyny, bro culture, being a condescending jerk, or otherwise. You know what I'm talking about. When a man treats you in a demeaning way by dismissing your ideas, giving you unsolicited and arrogant advice, or treating you more like an object than a person--that's male chauvinism. In this episode, I’m sharing my own experiences and how I’m choosing to handle these situations.

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How to Speak Up Confidently At Work

In order to inspire others and create real change, it is crucial to be confident while you’re speaking. And yet, so many people refrain from speaking up in professional settings because they doubt their belonging, they second guess their knowledge, they don't want to interrupt someone else, etc. In this podcast, I share three tips for how to confidently communicate in the workplace.

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"Too Much On Your Plate" the New Indictment for Ambitious Women

Ambitious women who enjoy taking on many projects are often told, “You have too much on your plate”. While this sentiment is often shared by well meaning people, the implications are worth considering. For many, rather than being received as an encouragement, being told “you have too much on your plate” feels like an indictment.

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Letting Go of Victimhood and Living Chronically WELL | Interview with Callie Dixon

Callie Dixon is a school psychologist, mother and content creator. Her whole life changed when she was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis. Through her blog and social media, Callie gives people the tools to get their power back and provides encouragement to those who struggle with chronic illnesses.

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How & Why Misunderstandings Happen (And What to Do About Them)

While misunderstanding might seem like one of those things that doesn’t require a definition I believe there’s benefit to it. For example, it reminds us that misunderstandings take place on a two way street. So often when we feel misunderstood it creates feelings of isolation. We tend to retreat because we feel unknown or unseen.

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