Posts tagged Goal Accomplishment
How to Be a Leader People Actually Want to Follow | Interview with Halelly Azulay

Halelly Azulay is the CEO & leadership development strategist at TalentGrow LLC. She’s an expert in leadership, communication skills, emotional intelligence, and authentic networking, Halelly develops leaders that people *want* to follow. We discuss some of the practical ways to start building meaningful leadership skills today!

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Living a Vibrant Life Despite Your Circumstances | Interview with Valerie Ritchie

Valerie is one of the most dynamic people I have ever met. She exudes strength and presence. When she asks questions or shares her perspective, it's obvious it comes from a well of wisdom and thoughtfulness. She's the founder of the Vibrant Life Collective, an online yogic community for women of color, and I'm so thrilled to have her on the show!

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Conference Networking Tips | Q&A Coaching Session with Chad Clark

Conferences have the power to inspire and create momentum in your professional and personal life. But they can also be intimidating and overwhelming for a lot of people. In this episode of the Career Foresight podcast, I coach my friend, Chad Clark through some conference networking tips to help him get the most out of his upcoming conference.

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What Grit Looks Like for this Comedian, Writer & Artist | Interview with JJ Barrows

I frequently think: Comedians are the bravest people in the world. I mean, to get up on stage and try to be funny—the vulnerability and courage it takes to do that simply blows my mind! My fascination with comedians is just part of the reason I am so excited to introduce you to today’s guest on the Career Foresight podcast. I got to interview JJ Barrows, a comedian, writer, artist, and overall inspiring and persevering creative!

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The Power of Believing in Other People | Interview with Josh Newton

Today I am honored to introduce you to my friend, Josh Newton. Josh has an incredible gift of speaking encouragement and believing in other people when they might not be able to believe in themselves. I have been very blessed by this gift of his and his friendship over the past few years and I’ve learned so much from his example.

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Expand Yourself By Exploring the Unknown | Interview with Julianne Capati

Julianne is an aspiring global executive with a love for travel, creativity and personal growth. In fact, it’s her love for those three things that have influenced her professional goal to lead a global company. A lot of people doubt their potential, and this is something Julianne witnesses on the daily. But through her own life choices and the way she manages her team, she’s trying to change this.

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Pioneering a New Kind of High-Quality Life | Interview with Meredith Noble

In our conversation, Meredith shares how she got to the point in her life where she was able to make the decision to uproot and move to Valdez, why she cares about helping people write grants, and how she prioritizes and keeps herself accountable to her goals.

She challenges listeners to leave behind the story that our current experience of work is how things have to be. Just because it’s what you know, doesn’t mean that it’s normal or how things need to stay.

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How to Celebrate the Success of Others Well

We can’t talk about how to celebrate others without admitting the dark side of why this is such a challenge… JealousyEw! No one wants to admit that they struggle with jealousy, do they?
I think jealousy is a particularly challenging emotion to own up to because it feels like we’re showing all our cards. We expose not only our insecurities but also our pride and selfishness--all at once. Yikes!

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How Do I Share My Dreams With Others Well?

Even though our dreams and ideas tend to revolve around our biggest passions, it’s typical to freeze up when it comes to talking about those dreams with other people. You know what I mean, don’t you?! "What if my idea doesn’t make sense to them?" "What if they think it's boring or cliché? What if they don’t think I’m capable of pursuing my dream to completion?" Or, even, "What if they steal my idea?" I share how to be proactive at overcoming these hurdles in today's episode!

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Just Because It's Easy to Believe, Doesn't Mean It's True

"Just because it's easy to believe, doesn't mean it's true," is a refrain I used to remind myself of constantly. When we struggle with feelings like fear of failure or doubting our own worth, they can become so strong that they seem like reality, not just emotional responses. In order to fight through these limiting beliefs, I challenged myself to remember that "just because it's easy to believe, doesn't mean it's true." Eventually, I was able to dismiss those negative thoughts quite quickly. I share that journey in today's episode!

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You Aren't Wasting Your Time While Waiting

The pressure we feel to achieve and produce--especially at an early age--can be intense. Our culture celebrates rising stars, young innovators and the exceptional outliers who find and create success at a very young age. This episode speaks the truth that early achievement, or lack thereof, does not define the rest of your life. You are not wasting your time if you are in a period of learning, growth and gathering information.

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How to Make Better Decisions & Build the Life You Want

Decisions are at the core of every success story and every personal triumph. Isn’t it crazy then to think that most of our tools for making good decisions only include asking for advice, making pros and cons lists , or the trial and error approach? My goal is to help people make empowered decisions, and a place to start is helping them understand the strengths & weaknesses of their decision-making tendencies. Learn the 4 styles of decision making in this episode!

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Bridge the Gap Between Your Vision Board & Your Bank Account | Interview with Nechelle Bartley

Financial strategy and success start with knowing what you want and why you want it, Nechelle says. It’s not just, “I want to own a house,” or, “I want to take a vacation every year,” but knowing what those activities really mean to you. What is motivating those desires? What will change by attaining the given items, experiences or wealth? It seems, the better you can answer questions about what’s motivating your financial goals, the better your relationship with money will be.

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Why Are Career Self-Help Books So Popular for Women?

Would you be surprised to learn that many of the female business books that are popular today are quite similar to those that were popular in the 60s? I sure was surprised when I learned that! From an academic perspective, the conversation around women and business has already evolved enough that there are different 'periods' to describe the differences.

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