Posts in Gender Topics
How to Build Resiliency as a Woman in Male-Dominated Workplaces

Too often we chalk up our bad experiences at work to our environment. For example, a negative culture, a bad boss, monotonous work, etc. In this episode, we dive into research that shows how to build resiliency so that the stress of these factors has less impact on your life and you can thrive despite your circumstances, especially as a woman in male-dominated career fields!

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What to Do When You Encounter Male Chauvinism

Call it what you want: male chauvinism, misogyny, bro culture, being a condescending jerk, or otherwise. You know what I'm talking about. When a man treats you in a demeaning way by dismissing your ideas, giving you unsolicited and arrogant advice, or treating you more like an object than a person--that's male chauvinism. In this episode, I’m sharing my own experiences and how I’m choosing to handle these situations.

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How to Speak Up Confidently At Work

In order to inspire others and create real change, it is crucial to be confident while you’re speaking. And yet, so many people refrain from speaking up in professional settings because they doubt their belonging, they second guess their knowledge, they don't want to interrupt someone else, etc. In this podcast, I share three tips for how to confidently communicate in the workplace.

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"Too Much On Your Plate" the New Indictment for Ambitious Women

Ambitious women who enjoy taking on many projects are often told, “You have too much on your plate”. While this sentiment is often shared by well meaning people, the implications are worth considering. For many, rather than being received as an encouragement, being told “you have too much on your plate” feels like an indictment.

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Why Are Career Self-Help Books So Popular for Women?

Would you be surprised to learn that many of the female business books that are popular today are quite similar to those that were popular in the 60s? I sure was surprised when I learned that! From an academic perspective, the conversation around women and business has already evolved enough that there are different 'periods' to describe the differences.

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What Is Feminine Style Rhetoric and Why Is It Important?

'Feminine style' doesn't mean 'women do this'. It's broader than that. Feminine style indicates that the characteristic traits of the style are softer, group focused and collaborative. Rhetoric is the artform of communicating and persuading an audience. Rhetoric is the thought and planning about how information is structured and presented for optimal impact.

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Moving Past the 'Female Leadership' Conversation

Anytime that there is a social issue; whether it has to do with gender issues, racial issues or disability issues, there is a group of people that is being disadvantaged that the issue revolves around. When this happens, it becomes a topic that we need to talk about. So to move past this conversation would mean it’s no longer a prevalent issue.

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